'Does dim o gylch yr awyr fry

(Gwagedd yw pob peth dan haul)
'Does dim o gylch yr awyr fry,
Neu ynte oddeutu'r ddaear ddu;
  Dim, f'enaid, dim a leinw ddyn,
  Neu dâl ei garu ond Duw ei hun.

Wrth droi fy ngolwg yma'n awr,
I gyrau'r greadigaeth fawr,
  Gwrthddrych ni wel fy enaid gwan
  Ond Iesu i bwyso arno'n rhan.

Pa'm cara'i'r byd
    a'i wagedd mwy,
Hyd angeu'n brin y deuant hwy;
  Gwell i mi garu'r
      ffrynd a ddaw
  Yn angeu i 'maflyd yn fy llaw.

Darfydded caru tref a gwlad,
Na brawd, na phriod, mam na thad;
  'Does neb a welwyd is y rhod
  Ond Iesu dâl
      ei garu erioed.

Cael profi'i hedd
    a'i fywiol ras
Yw'r nefoedd ar y ddaear las;
  A'm nefoedd byth
      yn nef y nef
  Fydd edrych yn ei wyneb Ef.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Norfolk (<1875)
Rockingham (Edward Miller 1731-1807)

  Beth dâl im' roi fy serch a'm bryd?
  Dal fi fy Nuw dal fi i'r làn
  Ond ofer ceisio gwynfyd llawn
  Wrth droi fy ngolwg yma'i lawr

(Vanity is everything under the sun)
There is nothing around the sky above,
Or about the black earth either;
  Nothing, my soul, nothing shall fill man,
  Or hold his loving but God himself.

Turning my gaze here now,
To te corners of the great creation,
  My weak soul sees no object
  But Jesus to lean on as my portion.

Why shall I love the world
    and its vanity any more,
They shall hardly come as far as death;
  It is better for me to love the
      friend who shall come
  In death to seize my hand.

Pass away shall loving home and land,
Or brother, or spouse, mother or father;
  No-one has been seen under the sky
  But Jesus shall always
      continue to be loved.

To get to experience his peace
    and his lively grace
Is heaven on the blue-green earth;
  And my heaven forever
      in the heaven of heaven
  Who shall look on his face.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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